The Dutch Shepherd has very ancient origins, common or identical to those of the Belgian Shepherd. This argument seems supported by the intercrossing due to frequent border situation Belgium v Holland.
This breed was set in the late nineteenth century by Dutch breeders to preserve extinction. This race with a limited number of specimens, is nowadays uncommon in France.
Deterrent and alert, awake and resistant to fatigue and weather, it can also be excellent watchdog, see defense. His flair and courage can help to use it as a police dog in his home country and in the French army, which has few specimens.
This dog can compete without any penalty with the German Shepherd and Belgian Shepherd, with whom he has much in common.

The Dutch Shepherd has three varieties:
  • Dutch Shepherd Short-haired which represents almost all French livestock.
  • Dutch Shepherd Long-haired, variety rare in our country.
  • Dutch Shepherd Rough-haired, variety currently represented by about 10 dogs and whose 2 litters have been registered in France.

Points de Non-Confirmation

NB: These points are deemed sufficiently serious defects to remove the dog from breeding.
Adoptés par la SCC le 12/11/98
  • Manque de type (insuffisance de caractères ethniques, qui fait que l'animal dans son ensemble ne ressemble plus suffisamment a ses congénères de la même race).
  • Taille non comprise dans les limites du standard, avec une tolérance de 2 cm pour la taille maximum.
  • Défaut de construction grave.
  • Tète massive.
  • Yeux ronds.
  • Pour la variété « poil court » : oreilles portées sur le côté, molles ou non dressées, portées en forme de cuillère.
  • Queue : coupée, enroulée, en crochet, trop courte ou trop longue (dépassant excessivement la pointe du jarret).
  • Excès de poil blanc sur le poitrail et aux pieds, tache blanche sur toute autre partie du corps.
  • Truffe autre que noire ou insuffisance de pigmentation.
  • Iris anormalement clairs par rapport a la robe.
  • Pour la variété « poil court » : absence de sous-poil ou poil ras.
  • Monorchidie, cryptorchidie.
  • Prognathisme inférieur ou supérieur, autre défaut d'affrontement.
  • Toute dent manquante autre que PC 1.
  • Chien peureux ou agressif.


The Dutch Shepherd does not pose any particular problem.
As with all breeds, we must screen the hip dysplasia (see FAQ -> Health) for stud dogs.
The variety Roughhaired can be affected by the gonio-dysplasia (see FAQ-> Health) .
These are the only diseases listed for this breed.


Varieties with short hair and long hair does not need any special grooming. A weekly or monthly brushing, will be good enough throughout the year to keep their coats in good condition.

By moulting period, which occurs twice a year, it will increase to daily brushing. The moult takes between two and three weeks. with long hair special attention will be behind the ears, and fringe members not allowed to form packets of fluff.

For the wirehaired variety, the standard mentions "The coat drive must be plucked by hand on average twice a year."

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